Friday, February 7, 2014

Upcoming knee surgery.

I am getting ready to go in for total knee replacement surgery in about ten days. I am not looking forward to the surgery, though, I am looking forward to be able to walk without pain. I have tried everything before I exhausted the options available to me. For the past four years I have been getting prolo-thearpy  injections, which helped push the surgery back by four years. But now, it is clear if I wish to have my former life back the only option left for me is replacement surgery. I intend to document my journey here so that I can remember how I felt and also share this blog with others who might be contemplating the same path I have chosen.

I saw my surgeon earlier this week, he felt like I was in good condition for my surgery. I have been taking iron tablets along with vitamin C to help with my blood count. I have been doing daily stretches of Yoga to keep my hamstrings in good shape. I have also been doing leg lifts so that my quads are in better shape. I want my surgery and post op to be as successful as possible. I have scheduled my physical therapy session after the surgery and am doing my best to prepare myself mentally and spiritually for this surgical procedure.

I do wish that I could have avoided knee replacement, many years of running, walking on hard surfaces and genetics played a role in the situation I find myself in today. When I see people who are running or, just out for a stroll, I am wistful. Because, that is one thing I am not able to do anymore. I have to carefully plan what activities I can do on a daily basis. If I need to go grocery shopping, then, that is the only outdoor activity I can plan for the day. Gone are the days when I could walk all over the mall, now I have to carefully plan how many stores I can go to, how much rest I will need in-between and where to park the car! All of this happened over a period of last fifteen years, slowly my mobility inched downwards. I came to the conclusion last year, after the birth of my granddaughter that I needed to be able to play with her, take her on nature walks, show her how to plant a garden. I want to be able to enjoy her fresh new world with her. After all, I moved to Portland to be closer to her. And, Portland is a city of walkers, bikers and all get out outdoors people!

I will share my journey here, if you wish to leave comments, please do so, I will do my best to answer you!

Monday, January 6, 2014

The numerology of 2014!

Welcome to 2014, a brand new year! Happy New Year to you!

The numerology of this year for the planet will be 7. This number is arrived at, by adding 2+1+ 4= 7. In numerology all the numbers are added and then reduced down to a single digit, except in the case of 11 and 22 which are master number, but more about that in another blog! Every number has positive qualities as well as challenging qualities. There are always two sides to the coin, with numerology it's no different.

7 means, this will be a spiritual and an introspective year for the planet. It will be a good financial year also! So, watch for the stock market to make new highs this year. It will be a year of fertile growth, look for mining stocks to be higher this year!

This will be a year of heightened spirituality. Hidden information will come to light and addictions will be on the rise. The challenging aspects of 7 are, being aloof, secretive and unavailable. Skepticism and confusion could also be present.

The best way to harness this energy for ourselves is to center ourselves, meditate and become introspective instead of relying on substances to heighten our senses. Enjoy the wisdom of 7, it's one of the gifts for us!