Saturday, January 28, 2012

The medina at Fes

Today the day was spent walking in the labyrinth known as the Fes Medina, it dates back to the 9th century and really they don't want to change it anytime soon. No cars are allowed into the walled medina, not that they could even if they tried. Some of the lanes are just narrow enough to allow one person at a time. You can't be obese either, because you would not fit! Some people have to navigate going sideways.
The medina is full of shops everything is sold here. It reminded me a lot of the type of shops that are crammed together in Old Delhi as well as Connaught Place in New Delhi. People in Old Delhi don't want to change their ways either.
The streets are narrow winding and cobblestoned, I have no idea how everyone knows where they are going, to me it seemed we kept walking in a perpetual circle!
We did get to see many artisans create amazing one of a kind pottery pieces as well as watch weavers weave their threads into visual works of art. My first love being art, I wonder why I am still not throwing pots or weaving at the loom-- one day I am sure I will return to that.
It's time to leave Fes already, tomorrow we begin our Sahara Odyssey. I am anxious to touch the sand dunes of the Sahara!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Fes, Morocco.

It was a long drive to Fes, we stopped on the way to see Roman ruins. I stayed behind in the bus, it had been raining hard the weather was downright chilly and damp. I brought warm clothes with me but I was not prepared for the frigid weather we are experiencing here. The walk to the ruins looked long on uneven ground. I have not been sleeping well, nor am I getting enough nutrition. I decided to give my body a rest while the rest of the group trotted off. I needed alone time. I have come to the conclusion that I prefer traveling alone and on my own schedule. Nothing against the group I am traveling with, they are all caring individuals. It's just hard to sit across from people who are consuming meat, while I eat the same overcooked veggies again and again...
At least when I am by myself, I am responsible for finding a restaurant of my own choice. I am not locked into a designated place where the group has to eat. Also, my own schedule involves waking up when the body is ready. I don't do well when I have to be up early. I am now too used to going at my own pace.
Well, enough about that! I am very surprised at the country of Morocco, my images of this place have been arid and hot-- not so, it's lush, cold and wet! I am sure the Sahara Dessert will be different. Though our tour guide keeps telling us we are here in the middle of the winter. It's strange to see palm trees lining the streets of the towns while it's so damn cold!
We stopped on the way to Fes by the roadside, where people who had collected truffles were selling them. They had a unique way to advertising their wares. Little mounds of cone shaped mud are placed atop boxes or tins along the hi-way a few hundred yards apart, and then finally, many cones are placed on iron bars, drawing attention to the final 'sculpture'. This is the location where the farmer with the truffles can be found. Here in Morocco, they have trained dogs to find the highly prized mushrooms, because the pigs would find and eat them. Dogs just find them!
Our guide Mohamed bought a few, he has promised to make them for us while we are roughing it in the dessert. At least I will get to eat something different than mush veggies!
Well, dinner was the same veggies in a filo pastry, I think they were trying to fool me with a different presentation. Ha! They didn't succeed !
Tomorrow we go to the Medina of Fes. This should be interesting since this place is a throwback to the ninth century. I am looking forward to the sounds and aromas of the open air market.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rabat, Morocco!

I am making this entry from Rabat, Morocco. My good friends Gwen and Jim were supposed to be on this trip with me, but a couple of weeks ago, Gwen injured herself, so here I am in exotic Morocco with a group of people I don't know. However, I find myself feeling comfortable, even though I travel alone most of the time, it's good to share this experience and meet new people.
It took a long time to get here, I left Oklahoma on Jan. 24, and got here around 3 p.m Jan 25. Today the day was spent touring Rabat, Morocco's capital. This is a very panoramic country. The history of Morocco is rich with Berber/Arab heritage, Roman ruins, mosques all cohabiting in perfect harmony. Morocco is under a monarchy which does not rule, there is a prime minister and unlike other Muslim countries, women do have more of an equal footing here. Though, I did notice most of them do wear the "hijab" which is a head covering that Muslim women wear in public as part of their faith.
My main reason for coming here is the Sahara Dessert, it has always beckoned me, must be a past life memory! We will spend a couple of nights in the dessert sleeping in tents under the open sky. I hope it will be a clear night so I can witness the beauty of the night sky. See the stars of the Milky Way clearly as seen on no place else on the planet.
I have been disappointed in the food here, I think that is part of being a tour group, where the meals are paid for in advance and they do cater to the meat eater. I think either I should pay less for a group tour or I should be afforded the same type of choices -- only vegetarian! This is something I will address with the tour company when I return home. I do know that Moroccan cuisine has veggie choices, I am just not getting to taste any.
We have another early morning bus ride tomorrow, we will be on our way to the city of Fes. If, the connection to the internet is stable I will pen my next entry from there. This passage is being written while I sit in the lobby of the hotel, while listening to really bad elevator music, which is not helping me write more eloquently!
More tomorrow...