Friday, January 27, 2012

Fes, Morocco.

It was a long drive to Fes, we stopped on the way to see Roman ruins. I stayed behind in the bus, it had been raining hard the weather was downright chilly and damp. I brought warm clothes with me but I was not prepared for the frigid weather we are experiencing here. The walk to the ruins looked long on uneven ground. I have not been sleeping well, nor am I getting enough nutrition. I decided to give my body a rest while the rest of the group trotted off. I needed alone time. I have come to the conclusion that I prefer traveling alone and on my own schedule. Nothing against the group I am traveling with, they are all caring individuals. It's just hard to sit across from people who are consuming meat, while I eat the same overcooked veggies again and again...
At least when I am by myself, I am responsible for finding a restaurant of my own choice. I am not locked into a designated place where the group has to eat. Also, my own schedule involves waking up when the body is ready. I don't do well when I have to be up early. I am now too used to going at my own pace.
Well, enough about that! I am very surprised at the country of Morocco, my images of this place have been arid and hot-- not so, it's lush, cold and wet! I am sure the Sahara Dessert will be different. Though our tour guide keeps telling us we are here in the middle of the winter. It's strange to see palm trees lining the streets of the towns while it's so damn cold!
We stopped on the way to Fes by the roadside, where people who had collected truffles were selling them. They had a unique way to advertising their wares. Little mounds of cone shaped mud are placed atop boxes or tins along the hi-way a few hundred yards apart, and then finally, many cones are placed on iron bars, drawing attention to the final 'sculpture'. This is the location where the farmer with the truffles can be found. Here in Morocco, they have trained dogs to find the highly prized mushrooms, because the pigs would find and eat them. Dogs just find them!
Our guide Mohamed bought a few, he has promised to make them for us while we are roughing it in the dessert. At least I will get to eat something different than mush veggies!
Well, dinner was the same veggies in a filo pastry, I think they were trying to fool me with a different presentation. Ha! They didn't succeed !
Tomorrow we go to the Medina of Fes. This should be interesting since this place is a throwback to the ninth century. I am looking forward to the sounds and aromas of the open air market.

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