Friday, August 13, 2010

The open road.

I think anyone reading knows how much I love to drive. The open road holds so many possibilities. Today I am on my way home to Oklahoma. Yesterday, after a tearful goodbye in Vancouver, I headed south to see Mahesh again in Portland. The sadness of leaving my sisters was tempered by knowing I will be seeing my son soon. I arrived in Portland around 9 p.m., the border crossing is always harder on the way back into the United States, for some reason they never have enough lanes open. I invariably pick the slowest moving lane, I really don't know how I manage to do that!
The drive on I-5 south is ludicrous, I was amazed yet again to come across the most incompetent drivers in the Union. Last year I remember writing that Washington state had the worst drivers and true to form they are still ill mannered. They really don't understand the concept of the left lane is for overtaking only! It was the long border wait and the incompetency of the Washington drivers that delayed my arrival by two very long hours. But, it was wonderful to see Mahesh and Sara again. Dinner was awaiting me and a warm, comfortable bed.
Mahesh and I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning catching up on my visit to Vancouver. It seems as though it's never enough time when we start exchanging ideas. The good news is that he will be coming home to Oklahoma to visit in about two weeks. The lure is two brand new Cocker Spaniel puppies his sister has adopted! I too am looking forward to seeing the brand new addition to the family.
I started out this morning around eleven and ended my day in Boise Idaho. The imagery on the way was spectacular. Oregon has many faces, most often people think it's lush and green with towering cedars, but eastern Oregon has a totally different topography. I had the top down for most of the day and enjoyed the wind through my hair, listening to Robert Plamer and others on the cd my son in law had prepared for me. I love driving in this great country I call home!

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