Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Nation's capital.

Well, I made it to DC. I was concerned about navigating the streets of DC. Had heard horror stories about DC drivers. So, I was on full alert, it wasn't that bad at all. I had paid close attention to the directions on my trip tik, provided by AAA. Usually, I have a navigator with me. In the past it was my sister, more recently, it's been either my son or daughter. So I have never had to be a navigator. It's a tough job, since I never know which way is north and I can never figure out which hi-way I need to be on. In an effort to be focused, I wrote down the directions and then repeated them to my self several times. I was able to find the Hay Adams, our hotel easily. It's a historic place. Our most recent President and family stayed here before moving into the White House.

The drive here was more of the same, back on the interstate. No more Blueridge Parkway. I may decide to go back home through the mountains again. I missed the solitude of the Parkway. I had breakfast at the Waffle house in Staunton, Virginia. It was fascinating to watch the short order cook prepare everyone's breakfast. She didn't seem to enjoy her job. When I asked her how she liked it, she dryly answered, "it's a job". I pondered that for a while as I drove away. I thought I am glad I enjoy doing what I do. And, I wondered why people don't make changes in their lives? I would like to ask those type of questions, but I am afraid I could get my butt kicked at some point...! I may become brave enough and ask questions, take notes in an effort to compile psychological data. I think, I am a frustrated psychologist. I am always interested in the choices people make. The different paths they take and how their life turns out.

I got to DC in the afternoon. I managed to miss any type of rush hour. As I was driving in I saw the Washington Monument. Until one sees this in person, it's hard to imagine the impact it has on a person's psyche. The same type of awe hit me as I drove past, as when I saw the Taj Mahal about six weeks ago.

The room we have in our hotel is elegant. The hotel has been well maintained. It's reminiscent of the hotels Gene and I stayed in India. Though the service in India was one hundred percent better. I wanted to have an afternoon cup of tea. It was a while before the waiter even approached me. When I asked him for tea, his curt reply was they don't do afternoon tea anymore. I politely asked for tea and a cookie anyway. Again, it took him a while before that was brought out and there was no silverware on my table, nor a napkin. They were brought out to me after I asked for them. About ten minutes later, Pierce Brsonan the actor and wife came to the dinning area, at this point I got to see the wait staff fall all over themselves trying to anticipated his every wish. And to top it all off, they charged him nothing for his caffe latte! So, in conclusion, I realized, the service in India was impeccable, whether you were a celebrity or not. Here again, human behavior fascinated me. I am a person just as Pierce Brosnan is a person, yet we are treated so differently. Why? Why do we elevate some people to a higher standard of service and others we choose to ignore? I have always strived to treat all human beings equally. And, will continue to do so always.



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