Sunday, July 19, 2009


Today, my day was spent in the company of my eldest nephew and his wife. I love to be able to spend time with my nephew, he is five months older than my son. I regard him as my son. I went to their apartment in trendy Yaletown. This is where the young, hip generation of Vancouverites live. I have watched my nephew grow up from babyhood to adulthood. Just as I have witnessed my two children grow up. There is very little age difference between my two children and my nephew. The three of them grew up together, even though we lived so far away. Their bond is special and strong. That's how families in the Indian culture behave. Closely knit.

They treated me to lunch, another thing that is different from days gone by. I used to pick up the tab and now they pick up the tab. It feels strange. I am not sure if I like it much, I guess I need to get used to it.  After lunch we walked around meandering in and out of shops. Something I could not have gotten my nephew to do only  a few moons ago! But, here he was as casual as you please, walking through shabby chic furniture store. When I asked him how come he can wander through a home decorating store now, his calm answer... "In my head I am replaying the entire Star Wars movie"! Things a man will do for the love of a woman. I was pleased to see that. I smiled a silent smirk and walked on.

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