Friday, March 13, 2009


We left Kolkata this afternoon and couple of hours later were in Chennai (formerly Madras). The south of India is so much calmer than Kolkata. Both Gene and I agree, if anyone asked for our recommendation, we would suggest coming to the south of India.We have a charming guide, the first woman. We were both very happy to see that. As Gene puts it, he is a feminist. I am glad he is or, we would have serious issues!

As always Gene wants to hit the ground running, luckily we had eaten lunch on the plane and I had had my dose of caffeine (coke of course). After checking in we were off to see the city. All of it was built by the Brits. It was their first strong hold, then Kolkata and finally Delhi. We saw an Anglican church, then a Roman Catholic church where they believe the Apostle Thomas is buried. After that we went to see a Hindu temple.

This evening I heard something I had not heard since I got to India... ambulance sirens! It was so strange to hear that, since for the past two weeks that sound has been missing. I think in all of the cities we have been an ambulance cannot manuver through the traffic. So, I have no idea what people do if they are hurt? Here in Chennai, traffic is a bit more moderate. Even though people do not stay in their lanes. As I have observed, lane markings are decoration for the road in India!

Tomorrow we will see Kanchipuram, more temples (yeah!) Even I am going to be templed out! The day after that we go to Mahabalipuram, a small town filled with artisans, I am so anxious to see that.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. The Southern India is a place full of peace. But many of my friends have agreed - Kolkata is different for its life force, which you can't find anywhere else.
