Thursday, March 12, 2009


Our day was spent driving through different towns and villages. There were banana farms. Lots of steel plants. We saw a Catholic church in the middle of a town. A strange sight to see. As I was walking towards the church, I noticed a man with a street cart. He was selling 'gol guppai' as a child, my sister and I would stop and eat gol guppai once a week. These are wafer balls that are filled with spicey tamarind water. The trick is to put the whole gol guppa in your mouth without it breaking. A trick most Indian children master when quite young. I just stood there looking at people stopping and buying the gol guppai from the vendor. My mouth watering. It's not something I could venture to taste. The tamarind water would not be safe to ingest. I had to live vicariously through the people eating them. And, then I moved on. I do get to eat gol guppai when I visit my sisters and brother in Vancouver, so I am not really suffering. Watching the vendor brought back so many memories of my childhood. We lived in India for a short while.

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