Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mount Everest!

This morning we were up again at 5 a.m. Anyone who thinks I can't be up at the most insane hour of the morning, has to rethink their view of me!

Anyway, we had breakfast, myself not too much to eat. Since the night before I had eaten too many spicey pickles and my stomach was leading a revolt. Gene could see I was moving slower and was concerned. I assured him I was feeling fine and to go onto our Everest experience.

We got to the airport by 6:30 only to wait there for two hours. The Napalese are not in a hurry to get you boarded. There were 5 twin engine planes going on the same excursion of the Himalayas. So, they called all five flight numbers at the same time. We all got up and headed towards the gate (yes, only one gate!)I noticed the locals were not linning up, only the foreigners. Most of Europoean decent. We waited and waited. Finally I decided I was going to sit down and people watch.

What I find most interesting about people from the west, they constantly apply their set of values on people of other cultures. All the people who were on board for the Himalay experience were from European countries and the US. I heard no end of complaints about the way these countries are run. Some people were remarking that they will be going to India next and only heavens knows what awaits them there. Well, here are my thoughts on that... go with an open mind. Don't go if you are going to superimpose your set of values on a people you really don't understand. In fact just stay at home and be happy with your illusion of your airports running everything on time. Stay at home if you want the comforts of your country. Stay at home if you are going to criticize the culture. Stay at home if you can't understand why people move at a slower pace. Okay that was my rant for the day!

Finally we boarded a bus, which took us to the plane, Buddha Air. And, then we were off. It only took about 15 minutes before we were looking at the range. The pollution in Nepal is tremendous, though the Himalayan range was visible. I had put in my order for a clear blue sky day. Gene just smiles and nods when I make statements like that. I don't think he believes me when I tell him my powers work in strange ways.

The mountain range is spectacular. Though, both Gene and I felt we needed to have flown over the mountains instead of just in front of them. Gene did say at the end of the flight he was disappointed with the flight. I was happy to have seen the place where the Holy river Ganga finds her origin.

Back on land, we were back at our hotel with the guide waiting to show us around. I decided to stay in the hotel and go back to sleep. Ever since we started this journey, I have been operating with about two hours of sleep a day. Gene went off with the guide and I went to sleep. Hard for me to fall asleep during the day, but I think I was so tired that it took no time for me to be in dreamland.

Gene came back around 3 p.m. and reported he was 'templed out'! He did like the guide who knows his stuff. They ended up walking a lot and he forgot his hat in the car. I always carry his hat and water bottle. The guide told him Kathmandu is a combination of 4-5 communities that have merged together to make the present city

I am feeling a 100% better after all my beauty sleep! This is so my family will not worry about me. I am fine. Tomorrow we will see a Buddhist Stupah, I am looking forward to that.
Until then,

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