Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lake Winnipeg.

Today i decided to drive to Lake Winnipeg. I went to Grand Beach which has a white sand beach, I have never seen a lake with a white sandy beach. So, off I went on Hwy. 59 towards Grand Beach, it's about an hour's drive from Winnipeg. The lake is apparently under duress from nitrogen and phosphorus seeping into the lake. Algae is growing at a remarkable rate and it is killing the lake. It is the eleventh largest freshwater lake in the world and now there is a movement underway to save the lake and clean it up. I hope they will be successful.
I got to Grand Beach and saw the white sand beach I was transported back to the times I have taken my children and nephew to the beach. My son Mahesh would sit at the water's edge fighting waves, while my daughter Reina and I would build sand castles. My son and Sudhir (my nephew) would dig giant holes and just sit in them! It was fun to see families frolicking in the water. I asked a woman to take a picture of me with the lake as the backdrop, her name is Jan, she was there with her daughter and grandchildren. We got to talking about my epic journey across Canada. It's always good to converse with people share stories and exchange ideas.
After Grand Beach, I decided to drive to Gimli at the suggestion of the hotel staff. It's a resort town; I wanted to be able to find a T-shirt with a rendition of Lake Winnipeg, I have developed an affinity for this lake. As hard as I tried to find a shirt, none was available. I would make a ton of money in this small town, because I would design an absolute bevy of Lake Winnipeg shirts! I asked my waitstaff, Linda if she was aware of any gift shops that may sell shirts or hats, she pointed me to a store around the corner, but alas, they too didn't have anything! Discouraged, I left Gimli and headed back towards Winnipeg, on the way I noticed among the fields of green, every so often there were groves of trees. As I looked closely, I realized that in the middle of the groves; nestled were houses. The only indication that anyone lived in the small wooded patch was a small dirt road leading towards a house and perhaps a mailbox by the side of the road. I can understand why the trees are grown in this manner, they surround the house, protect the homestead from wind as well as heat. A small oasis!
It was a fun day to explore a small part of Manitoba, tomorrow I head towards Sasketchewan. I have been fascinated with all the Canadian Provinces for a long time. I am so glad I get to see each of them in their unique way.

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