Thursday, July 7, 2011

St. John's!

After a long ten hour drive I have arrived at the eastern most part of Canada! Leaving Port aux Basques this morning was eerie, the fog was dense and it was difficult to see the road but within about fifteen minutes I left the misty conditions behind and the clouds parted, the sun was shinning and all was well with the world!
Most of Newfoundland has gently rolling hills, I expected it to be much more rugged and rough looking, but it has a gentle, soft personality. Pools of clear water lakes dot the landscape, the hills dip into the lakes at a slow incline and the water seems as though it's a mirror. The people of Newfoundland also match the personality of it's surroundings, they are very kind and helpful. This evening the hostess at a local restaurant went out of her way to suggest where I might find local artists selling their handicrafts. Her name is Sarah and she kindly drew a map for me so I won't get lost. I think Newfoundland's greatest treasure is it's citizens, they are the gems that sparkle along with their crystal clear lakes.
Trans-Canada Hi-way through Newfoundland is a well planned road, even though it's a two lane hi-way; every so often a lane is provided so that people can overtake the slower vehicles. Everyone moves over if a faster car is approaching, which was usually my car! The road is in good shape and there was no trash on the road anywhere and very little roadkill!
Canada does take very good care of it's roads. The Canadians have us beat when it comes to healthcare, road conditions, recycling and overall trash management. In every hotel room I found a bin just for recyclables. At the ferry terminal there were large bins for composting as well as recycling. I like that mentality I wish we could implement more of that back home.
I am tired after the long drive and I am not looking forward to making the same drive back to Port aux Basques so that I can catch the ferry back to Nova Scotia and then drive across Canada-- what was I thinking?!


  1. Just lost a comment because I'm a dimwit and didn't realize I wasn't signed in...

    Anyway, basically said that I hope you're getting enough rest and that you enjoy your stay in St. Johns. I've enjoyed reading your posts here and I'll try to comment more often.

    Be safe and have fun!

  2. Thank you Sara! I am having fun, though it has been very tiring. It's been good to stay put for a few days. I will see you soon!
